Starring: Sam Huntington, Sam Witwer, Meahgan Rath
A ghost, a vampire, and a werewolf share an apartment while trying their best to resist their supernatural tenancies and be human.
In Season 2 consists of Sally learning the joys and horrors of possession and reaping souls; Josh finding purebred werewolves, dealing with Nora's desention into the wolf curse, and a old flame returning to his life; and Aiden helping his former love gain control over Boston after she return from a 80 year hiatus in exchange for freedom.
My Take:
In the debut season the North American series followed basically the same path as the UK series. But in season two it has become a show all its own. Which is great because I dont feel like I'm watching the same show with different actors.
Each character went down a dark path this year and each deal with some sort of loss because of their choices. The final couple episodes were really a dark.
I love where the show is heading and will be very excited for its return.
Favorite Episode:
"Dont Fear the Scott" - Josh and new girlfriend Julia decide to have dinner with Aiden & Suren. While Sally tries to block Scott the Reaper out her mind.
The episode is dripped with comedy, awkwardness, and surprises. It's combines everything I enjoy about the show.
Rating: So Good
Fringes of Horror by
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