Starring: Wilmer Valderrama, Robert Patrick, D.J. Cotrona, Zane Holtz, Jesse Garcia, Eiza Gonzalez, Madison Devenport, Brandon Soo Hoo, Jake Busey, Don Johnson
Two brothers are being hunted by Texas Rangers as they try to escape the United States and make to a safe haven in Mexico. They take a family hostage and wait for their contact at a strip club with turns out to be full of vampires
My Take:
The first season is really just an extended version of the original movie. Some background character depth is fleshed out for main participants, a couple new characters are added, and the overall story is tweaked a bit with a huge back story concerning the vampires added. For the majority of the series, I felt like I had seen this done before by a better cast and with story that wasn't so series. The last few episodes take it off in a new direction and it does leave it open for more exploration for more seasons. Maybe I will like further season better. For now, the show is mildly interesting.
Rating: In the middle
Fringes of Horror by
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