I've been hinting at stopping these silly reviews for a couple of years now. As always life changes. With my son rapidly going through his early toddler years most of my free time is spent being a parent (and being exhausted). The time I once had dedicated to watching anything dwindles and the time to write dwindles even more. So I decided that the blog would come to an end at the beginning of 2019. I also decided to go out with a bang by hammering out a review every day since October. That was difficult but enjoyable, as this blog was for me. It never quite turned into what I hoped it would be and that's mostly because of my lack of time to properly dedicate to it. Then again, I always posted these reviews for me and if anyone else cared to read it that was a bonus so maybe the blog served its exact purpose. In the end if this the blog was able to turn a few people on to movies they wouldn't have known about it then again purpose was served. It was a labor of love between me and horror entertainment.
The good thing is currently there are several places fans can get their horror fix for little or no cost. And there is more content being created now than ever before. I honestly dont know how a person can keep up. Any ways, below are some of the streaming sites I frequent.
Netflix (subscription)
Amazon (subscription with Prime and pay rentals or purchases)
Hulu (subscription)
Shudder (subscription)
Vudu (free movies with ads and pay rentals)
TubiTV (free movies with ads)
Yahoo View (free movies)
Hoopla Digital (free rentals in conjunction with local libraries)
YouTube Premium (subscription)
Google Play (pay rentals or purchases)
Apple iTunes (pay rentals or purchases)
Kanopy (free rentals in conjunction with local libraries)
Midnight Pulp (free rentals with ads and subscription)
Sony Crackle (free movies with ads and pay rentals)
Screambox (subscription)
Fandor (subscription)
Pantaflix (subscription)
Asian Crush (free movies and pay rentals)
Shout Factory TV (free movies)
Snag Films (free movies)
Popcorn Flix (free movies)
ConTV (free movies and subscription)
Viewster (free movies)
Foreign Film Favorites (free movies and subscription)
24/7 Horror (free movies and subscription)
POV Horror (subscription)
Indie Flix (subscription)
Filmdoo (subscription)
Until next time,
Thanks for following along on the journey.

Fringes of Horror by Sean Kimmel is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License
An affiliate of http://seankimmel.com/