[rec]4: Apocalypse (2014) **1/2
3 From Hell (2019) **1/2
10/31(2017) **1/2
13B: Fear Has A New Address (2009) ***
47 Meters Down: Uncaged (2019) **
47 Meters Down: Uncaged (2019) **
2046 (2004) ***
Abrakadabra (2017) ***
Abrakadabra (2017) ***
Across the River (2013) **1/2
Aenigma (1987) **
All Hallow's Eve 2 (2015) **1/2
All the Creatures Were Stirring (2018) **1/2
American Guinea Pig: Bloodshock*1/2
American Guinea Pig: The Song of Solomon (2017) **1/2
Angels Egg (1985) ***
O Anjo da Noite (1975) ***
Anna and the Apocalypse (2017) **1/2
Annabelle Comes Home (2019) **
Another Earth (2011) ***
American Guinea Pig: The Song of Solomon (2017) **1/2
Angels Egg (1985) ***
O Anjo da Noite (1975) ***
Anna and the Apocalypse (2017) **1/2
Annabelle Comes Home (2019) **
Another Earth (2011) ***
Antrum: The Deadliest Film Ever Made (2019) *1/2
Are You Afraid of the Dark? [aka Takot Ka Ba Sa Dilim?] (1996) **1/2
Assault Jack the Ripper (1976) **1/2
Aswang: A Journey Into Myth (2008) **
Badoet [aka: Clown of the Dead] (2015) ***
Banal (2019) *1/2
Batman: Assault on Arkham (2014) ***
Batman: Year One (2011) ****
Beast [aka Biest] (2014) ***
Beasts, The (1980) **1/2
Beauty and the Dogs (2017) ***
Badoet [aka: Clown of the Dead] (2015) ***
Banal (2019) *1/2
Batman: Assault on Arkham (2014) ***
Batman: Year One (2011) ****
Beast [aka Biest] (2014) ***
Beasts, The (1980) **1/2
Beauty and the Dogs (2017) ***
Belzebuth (2020) ***
Binhi [aka The Seed] (2015) ***
Birdbox (2019) **1\2
Birdboy: The Forgotten Children (2015) **1/2
Birdbox (2019) **1\2
Birdboy: The Forgotten Children (2015) **1/2
Birds of Prey: The Fantabulous Emancipation of Harley Quinn (2020) **1/2
Bliss (2017) ****
Blood Curse [aka Coisa Ruim] (2006) **1/2
Blood for Irina (2012) *1/2
Blood of the Shaman (2004) **1/2
Bloodline (2018) **1/2
Dark Gods by TED Klein ***1/2

Fringes of Horror by Sean Kimmel is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License
An affiliate of
Bliss (2017) ****
Blood Curse [aka Coisa Ruim] (2006) **1/2
Blood for Irina (2012) *1/2
Blood of the Shaman (2004) **1/2
Bloodline (2018) **1/2
Blood Ransom (2014) **1/2
Blood Ritual [aka Xie Lui Ji] (1989) **1/2
The Blue Elephant (2014) ***
Boardinghouse (1982) *1/2
Blood Ritual [aka Xie Lui Ji] (1989) **1/2
The Blue Elephant (2014) ***
Boardinghouse (1982) *1/2
Body Cam (2020) **1/2
Body At Brighton Rock (2019) **1/2
Bonehill Road (2018) **
Boy Meets Girl (1990) **
The Boxer's Omen (1983) ***
Breathe [aka Respira: Transgenisus] (2019) **1/2
The Bride of Frank (1996) *1/2
Broken Darkness (2017) **
Der Bunker (2015) ***
Buy Now, Die Later (2015) **1/2
Canoa: A Shameful Memory (1978) **1/2
Cards of Death (1986) **
Cargo (2017) ***1/2
Captive State (2019) ***
Cast A Deadly Spell (1991) ***
Chanthaly (2012) ***1/2
Charlie Says (2019) **
Child's Play (2019) ***
A Chinese Torture Chamber Story (1994) **1/2
Body At Brighton Rock (2019) **1/2
Bonehill Road (2018) **
Boy Meets Girl (1990) **
The Boxer's Omen (1983) ***
Breathe [aka Respira: Transgenisus] (2019) **1/2
The Bride of Frank (1996) *1/2
Broken Darkness (2017) **
Der Bunker (2015) ***
Buy Now, Die Later (2015) **1/2
Canoa: A Shameful Memory (1978) **1/2
Cards of Death (1986) **
Cargo (2017) ***1/2
Captive State (2019) ***
Cast A Deadly Spell (1991) ***
Chanthaly (2012) ***1/2
Charlie Says (2019) **
Child's Play (2019) ***
A Chinese Torture Chamber Story (1994) **1/2
Christmas Presence {aka Why Me?] (2018) *1/2
El Cin [aka The Jinn] (2013) **1/2
El Cin [aka The Jinn] (2013) **1/2
The Circle (2017) **1/2
Clarisse or Something About Us (2015) ***
The Cleaning Lady (2019) ***
The Clone Returns Home (2008) ***
Clarisse or Something About Us (2015) ***
The Cleaning Lady (2019) ***
The Clone Returns Home (2008) ***
Collar (2014) *
Color Out of Space (2019) ***
Color Out of Space (2019) ***
Corporate Animals (2019) **
Crawl (2019) ***
The Creature Walks Among Us (1956) ***
Crawl (2019) ***
The Creature Walks Among Us (1956) ***
Creeper (2012) **
Curse of the Crying Woman (1963) ***
The Curse of the La Llorona (2019) **
Curse of the Undead (1959) ***
Curve (2015) **
Dabbe 4: Cin Carpamasi (2013) ** 1/2
Dabbe 5: Zehr i Cin (2014) **1/2
Curse of the Crying Woman (1963) ***
The Curse of the La Llorona (2019) **
Curse of the Undead (1959) ***
Curve (2015) **
Dabbe 4: Cin Carpamasi (2013) ** 1/2
Dabbe 5: Zehr i Cin (2014) **1/2
Dance of the Damned (1989) **
Dark Age (1987) ***
Dark Crimes (2016) **
Dark Crimes (2016) **
The Dark Shack (2015) *1/2
Dark Side of the Moon (1990) **1/2
Darken (2017) *1/2
The Darkest Minds (2016) **
The Dead Center (2019) **1/2
The Dead Dont Die (2018) **1/2
Dark Side of the Moon (1990) **1/2
Darken (2017) *1/2
The Darkest Minds (2016) **
The Dead Center (2019) **1/2
The Dead Dont Die (2018) **1/2
Deadtectives (2018) ***
Dead Night (2017) *1/2
Dead Night (2017) *1/2
Deadtectives (2018) ***
Death Bell (2008) **1/2
The Death of Superman (2107) ***
The Detective 2 (2011) ***
Devil's Woman (1996) **1/2
Death Bell (2008) **1/2
The Death of Superman (2107) ***
The Detective 2 (2011) ***
Devil's Woman (1996) **1/2
Diary of a Serial Killer (1995) ***
Dig Two Graves (2015) **1/2
Doctor Sleep [Director's Cut] (2019) ****
Dominque (1978) **
Dig Two Graves (2015) **1/2
Doctor Sleep [Director's Cut] (2019) ****
Dominque (1978) **
Down A Dark Hall (2018) **
Dracula's Daughter (1936) **1/2
Dream Demon (1988) ***
Dust Box (2012) ***
Dream Demon (1988) ***
Dust Box (2012) ***
Early Frost (1982) **
Echorsis (2016) **1/2
Echorsis (2016) **1/2
Edge of the Axe (1988) **1/2
Electric Kotatsu Horror [aka: Battle Heater] (1989) ***
Entrails of a Beautiful Woman (1986) **
Entrails of a Beautiful Woman (1986) **
Erotic Nightmare (1999) **
Escape Room (2019) ***
Escape Room (2019) ***
Escondete (2013) **1/2
El Escapulario [aka: The Scapular] (1968) ***
The Eternal Evil of Asia (1995) ***
Exorcismo Negro [aka: The Black Exorcism of Coffin Joe] (1974) ***
The Eternal Evil of Asia (1995) ***
Exorcismo Negro [aka: The Black Exorcism of Coffin Joe] (1974) ***
The Eye of Silence (2016) ***
Fahrenheit 451 (2018) **1/2
Fahrenheit 451 (2018) **1/2
Fanged Up (2017) **
Fantastic Beasts: The Crimes of Grindelwald (2018) ***
The Forbidden Door (2009) ****
Forbidden World (1982) **
The Forbidden Door (2009) ****
Forbidden World (1982) **
Ghetto Goblin (2013) ***
The Ghost Bride (2017) **1/2
Ghost Child (2013) **
Ghostkeeper (1982) **
Godzilla: King of the Monsters (2019) ***
Ghostkeeper (1982) **
Godzilla: King of the Monsters (2019) ***
Grave Misdemeanors (1989) **1/2
Gretel & Hansel (2020) **1/2
Hanna (2011) **1/2
Hard Labor (2011) ***
Harpoon (2019) ***
Harpoon (2019) ***
Hate Crime (2012) *1/2
The Haunted Cop Shop (1987) ***
The Haunted Cop Shop (1987) ***
The Haunted Cop Shop II (1988) **1/2
The Haunted Forest (2017) **
The Headhunter (2018) ****
The Haunted Forest (2017) **
The Headhunter (2018) ****
Hell House LLC III: Lake of Fire (2019) ***
Hex (1980) ***
Histeria (2008) **1/2
Hex (1980) ***
Histeria (2008) **1/2
Hollywood Horror House (1970) **1/2
Homesick (2015) **1/2
Homesick (2015) **1/2
Horror Stories (2012) **1/2
House At the End of Pine Street (2015) **1/2
House At the End of Pine Street (2015) **1/2
House At the End of the Street (2012) **
House of Flesh Mannequins (2003) *1/2
Howls (2011) *1/2
I Heart Doomsday (2010) **
House of Flesh Mannequins (2003) *1/2
Howls (2011) *1/2
I Heart Doomsday (2010) **
The Imp (1981) **1/2
The Invisible Man (2020) ***1/2
I Remember You (2017) ***
I Remember You (2017) ***
In Fabric (2018) ***1/2
Inferno Carnal [aka: Hellish Flesh] (1977) **
Inugamai (2001) ***
In To The Dark: Crawlers (2020) **1/2
Interior (2014) **1/2
Interruption (2015) ***
Inugamai (2001) ***
In To The Dark: Crawlers (2020) **1/2
Interior (2014) **1/2
Interruption (2015) ***
Island of the Burning Damned (1967) **
Invitation To Hell (1984) **1/2
The Isle (2018) **
It Chapter 2 (2019) ****
Invitation To Hell (1984) **1/2
The Isle (2018) **
It Chapter 2 (2019) ****
Joker (2020) ****
Justice League Dark (2017) ***
Kamillions (1990) **1/2
Kandisha (2008) ***
Killer Crocodile (1989) **
Killer Nun (1979) **
The Killer Reserved Nine Seats (1974) ***
Kinatay [aka: Butchered] (2009) ***
KM 31 (2006) **
Knifepoint (2011) *1/2
Killer Crocodile (1989) **
Killer Nun (1979) **
The Killer Reserved Nine Seats (1974) ***
Kinatay [aka: Butchered] (2009) ***
KM 31 (2006) **
Knifepoint (2011) *1/2
Kulam (2008) ***
Kutob [aka: Hunch] (2005) **1/2
Kutob [aka: Hunch] (2005) **1/2
Lady Stay Dead (1981) **1/2
Last House On Dead End Street (1973) *1/2
Lazer Team 2 (2017) ***
Lesson of Evil (2012) ***
Lesson of Evil (2012) ***
The Lighthouse (2019) ****
Lilet (1972) ***
Lilet (1972) ***
Litan (1982) ***
Lolita Vibrator Torture (1987) **
Love Massacre (1981) ***
Lurkers (1988) **
Lolita Vibrator Torture (1987) **
Love Massacre (1981) ***
Lurkers (1988) **
The Mad Room (1969) **1/2
Madre [aka Mother] (2016) **1/2
Madre [aka Mother] (2016) **1/2
Malikmata (2003) **1/2
Man With The Magic Box (2017) ***
Mangkukulob (2012) *1/2
Matrubhoomi: A Nation Without Women (2003) ***
Mauvais Sang [aka: Bad Blood] (1986) ***
Mangkukulob (2012) *1/2
Matrubhoomi: A Nation Without Women (2003) ***
Mauvais Sang [aka: Bad Blood] (1986) ***
May The Devil Take You Too (2020) ***1/2
Mecanix (2003) **1/2
Mecanix (2003) **1/2
Metro [aka: Metpo] (2013) ***
Mexico Barbaro II (2017) **
The Mirror [aka Chermin] **1/2
The Mirror [aka Chermin] **1/2
Mom (1991) **1/2
Mosquito the Rapist [aka: Bloodlust] (1976) **
Mr. Wrong [aka Dark of the Night] (1985) **1/2
Mosquito the Rapist [aka: Bloodlust] (1976) **
Mr. Wrong [aka Dark of the Night] (1985) **1/2
Musallat (2007) **1/2
Mutant (1984) **
Mutilations (1986) **
Neither Heaven Nor Earth (2015) ***
Mutilations (1986) **
Neither Heaven Nor Earth (2015) ***
Next of Kin (1982) **1/2
The Next Victim [A Promixa Victim] (1983) ***
Night of Seagulls (1975) **
The Night Stalker (2016) **1/2
The Night Visitor (1971) ***
The Night Visitor (1971) ***
No Place To Hide (1981) **
Not Like Them [Di Ingon Nato] 2011 ***
One Dark Night (1982) **1/2
The One I Love (2014) ***
Da One That Ghost Away (2018) **
Our Evil (2017) **1/2
Our House (2018) **
Our Evil (2017) **1/2
Our House (2018) **
The Outing (1987) **1/2
Painted Skin (2008) **1/2
Perfect Skin (2019) *1/2
Painted Skin (2008) **1/2
Perfect Skin (2019) *1/2
The Perfection (2019) ***1/2
Penda's Fen (1974) **1/2
Penda's Fen (1974) **1/2
Peninsula (2020) ***
Perfume of the Lady in Black (1974) ***
Pet Semetery (2019) **
Perfume of the Lady in Black (1974) ***
Pet Semetery (2019) **
Plank Face (2016) *1/2
The Pool (2018) **1/2
The Possession of Joe Delaney (1972)
Precognition (2019) **
Prey (1977) **
Prophecy (1979) **
The Pool (2018) **1/2
The Possession of Joe Delaney (1972)
Precognition (2019) **
Prey (1977) **
Prophecy (1979) **
The Prostitute Killers (2000) **1/2
Purana Mandir (1984) **1/2
Raat (1992) **1/2
Purana Mandir (1984) **1/2
Raat (1992) **1/2
Rabid (2019) **1/2
Ready or Not (2020) ***
The Rejuvenator (1988) **1/2
Relic (2020) ***1/2
Replace (2017) **
Resurrection (2015) ***
Ritual of Death (1990) **1/2
Room (2016) ***1/2
Roseville (2013) ***
Replace (2017) **
Resurrection (2015) ***
Ritual of Death (1990) **1/2
Room (2016) ***1/2
Roseville (2013) ***
The Russian Bride (2019) **
Satanic Panic (2019) ***
Sawney: Lord of Darkness (2012) *1/2
Scarecrow (2013) *1/2
Sawney: Lord of Darkness (2012) *1/2
Scarecrow (2013) *1/2
Scary Stories To Tell In the Dark (2019) ***1/2
Second Coming (2019) ***1/2
Second Coming (2019) ***1/2
The Secret of the Telegian (1960) **1/2
Sekylusion [aka Seclusion] (2016) **1/2
Sekylusion [aka Seclusion] (2016) **1/2
Seoul Station (2016) ***
A Serial Killer's Guide To Life (2019) **
A Serial Killer's Guide To Life (2019) **
Serpent's Path (1998) ***
Sexy Killer (2008) ***
Shaapit (2010) **1/2
Sexy Killer (2008) ***
Shaapit (2010) **1/2
Shadow of a Hawk (1976) **
Share (2019) **1/2
Siccin 4 (2017) **
Siccin 5 (2018) **1/2
Share (2019) **1/2
Siccin 4 (2017) **
Siccin 5 (2018) **1/2
Silencio (2018) *1/2
Simple Favor, A (2017) ***1/2
The Slayer (1982) **
Smaller and Smaller Circles (2017) ***1/2
So You've Downloaded a Demon (2007) ***
Someone Down There Likes Me (2009) **
Simple Favor, A (2017) ***1/2
The Slayer (1982) **
Smaller and Smaller Circles (2017) ***1/2
So You've Downloaded a Demon (2007) ***
Someone Down There Likes Me (2009) **
Spawn (1997) **
Special Effects (1984) ***
The Spooky Bunch (1980) ***
Special Effects (1984) ***
The Spooky Bunch (1980) ***
St Agatha (2018) **
Star of David: Beautiful Girl Hunter (1979) **1/2
Star Time (1992) **1/2
Star Time (1992) **1/2
Star Wars: Rise of the Skywalker (2019) ***
Strange Hostel of Naked Pleasures (1976) **
The Stranger (2015) **1/2
Suicide Squad: Hell To Pay (2018) ***
Sugar Hill (1974) **1/2
Sweet Angel Mine (1992) **1/2
Strange Hostel of Naked Pleasures (1976) **
The Stranger (2015) **1/2
Suicide Squad: Hell To Pay (2018) ***
Sugar Hill (1974) **1/2
Sweet Angel Mine (1992) **1/2
T2 [aka: Tenement 2] (2009) ***
Tales from the Hood 2 (2018) **
Terminator: Dark Fate (2019) **1/2
Tales from the Hood 2 (2018) **
Terminator: Dark Fate (2019) **1/2
Teorema (1968) **1/2
Time Lapse (2014) ***
Tintorera: Killer Shark (1977) *1/2
Tiyanaks (2007) **
A Touch of Death (1988) *1/2
Tone-Deaf (2019) **1/2
Time Lapse (2014) ***
Tintorera: Killer Shark (1977) *1/2
Tiyanaks (2007) **
A Touch of Death (1988) *1/2
Tone-Deaf (2019) **1/2
The Tower (2013) ***
Trauma (2017) **1/2
Trauma (2017) **1/2
Tremors: A Cold Day In Hell (2018) **
Tuyul, Part 1 (2015) **1/2
UC Harlfilier: Bedda (2018) **1/2
UC Harlfilier: Karabuyu (2019) **1/2
The Uh-Oh Show (2009) **
Tuyul, Part 1 (2015) **1/2
UC Harlfilier: Bedda (2018) **1/2
UC Harlfilier: Karabuyu (2019) **1/2
The Uh-Oh Show (2009) **
Uncaged aka [Prey] (2016) ***
Unstoppable [aka: Seongnan Hwangso] (2018) ****
The Unseen (1980) **1/2
Vampira (1994) **1/2
Verotika (2019) *1/2
A Very Short Life (2009) **1/2
A Very Short Life (2009) **1/2
VFW (2019) ***1/2
Video Diary of a Lost Girl (2012) ***
Vindication (2006) **
Vinopiri Krvni Davek (2012) **1/2
Visions (2015) **
The Visitors (1988) ***
Watch Me When I Kill (1977) **1/2
Welcome To Happiness (2015) ***
We're Going To Eat You (1980) ***
Video Diary of a Lost Girl (2012) ***
Vindication (2006) **
Vinopiri Krvni Davek (2012) **1/2
Visions (2015) **
The Visitors (1988) ***
Watch Me When I Kill (1977) **1/2
Welcome To Happiness (2015) ***
We're Going To Eat You (1980) ***
Werewolf Woman (1976) **
When Evil Calls (2008) **
The Whispering Star (2015) **1/2
When Evil Calls (2008) **
The Whispering Star (2015) **1/2
The White Reindeer (1952) ***
Why Dont You Just Die (2020) ***
The Wind (2019) ***1/2
Winterbeast (1992) **
Witchhammer (1970) ***
Without Warning (1980) **
The Wind (2019) ***1/2
Winterbeast (1992) **
Witchhammer (1970) ***
Without Warning (1980) **
WNUF Halloween Special (2013) **1/2
The World, The Flesh, and the Devil (1959) ***
The World, The Flesh, and the Devil (1959) ***
Wounds (2019) **
X-Men: The Dark Phoenix (2019) ***
X-Men: The Dark Phoenix (2019) ***
You Should Have Left (2020) **
Zombieland: Double Tap (2019) ***1/2
Eaters of the Dead (2017) **1/2
Zombieland: Double Tap (2019) ***1/2
Eaters of the Dead (2017) **1/2
Filthy McNasty (2002) *1/2
Hard Revenge Milly (2008) **1/2
Long Dream (2000) ****
Sanctissima (2020) ***
Sick-o-pathics (1995) **
In Search of Darkness: A Journey Into Iconic 80s Horror (2020) ***
Sick-o-pathics (1995) **
In Search of Darkness: A Journey Into Iconic 80s Horror (2020) ***
Long Live the King (2017) ***1/2
Momo: The Missouri Monster (2019) ** 1/2
Population Zero (2016) **1/2
The Psycho Legacy (2010) ***1/2
Population Zero (2016) **1/2
The Psycho Legacy (2010) ***1/2
Scary Stories (2018) ***
Secret Societies Revealed **1/2
Secret Societies Revealed **1/2
Terror In the Skies (2020) ***
Unseen (2016) ***
Wildman: My Search for Sasquatch (2016) **1/2
The Boys, Season 1 (2019) ****1/2
The Boys, Season 1 (2019) ****1/2
Cursed Films, Season 1 (2020) ***1/2
Creepshow, Season 1 (2019) ***
Eli Roth's History of Horror, Season 2 (2020) ***1/2
The Haunting of Hill House (2019) ****
Hotel Beau Sejour (2017) ***
The Mandalorian, Season 1 (2019) ****
Missing In Alaska, Season 1 (2015) **1/2
Mr. Mercedes, Season 3 (2019) **1/2
Mr. Mercedes, Season 3 (2019) **1/2
NOS4R2, Season 2 (2020) **1/2
The Outsider, Season 1 (2020) ****
Rick and Morty, Season 4 (2020) *****
See, Season 1 (2019) ***
The Outsider, Season 1 (2020) ****
Rick and Morty, Season 4 (2020) *****
See, Season 1 (2019) ***
Servant, Season 1 (2019) ***1/2
Stranger Things, Season 3 (2019) ****
Supernatural, Season 15 (2020) ***
Stranger Things, Season 3 (2019) ****
Supernatural, Season 15 (2020) ***
Watchman, Season 1 (2020) ****1/2
Westworld, Season 3 (2020) ***1/2
The Walking Dead volume 30 ***
Westworld, Season 3 (2020) ***1/2
The Walking Dead volume 30 ***
Dark Gods by TED Klein ***1/2

Fringes of Horror by Sean Kimmel is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License
An affiliate of