Director: Peter Jackson
A young hobbit, Bilbo Baggins, is persuaded by a wizard, Gandolf, to accompany a band of dwarves to Smaug, the dwarves former home which a dragon has since took over.
My Take:
Honestly, I was a disappointed with the movie. It look greats and every thing, especially the action sequences, but it's feels like too stretched out and long. The first forty minutes is the relucant Baggins preparing for a journey he doesn't want to go on (which is a tad boring) and then next two hours is the group falling into one hardship into another (which is tad much). It never lets up as the group battles giants to trolls to goblins to orcs. It's worth watching and maybe you will enjoy it more than me.
Rating:In the middle
Fringes of Horror by Sean Kimmel is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License
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