Noble families fight for control over the land of Westeros.
Season Three has Daenrys Targaryen raise her dragons and an army while moving closer to Westeros; the Stark family is still in disarray and scattered as King Robb battles with King Joffrey, The Lanisters try to restore the family name through marriages, The Nightwatch are overtaken by while the Wildings move in for an attack from the North, and so much more.
My Take:
The plot of this show gets thicker with every passing second. I am amazed at all the different storylines and multitude of characters which enter and exit. It's just a fun show to watch.
Favorite Episode:
"The Rains of Castamere" (Episode 9) - This felt like the season finale as the ten minutes left me astondished.
Rating: So Good
Fringes of Horror by Sean Kimmel is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License.
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