
The Rating System

All opinions are my own. We are all different. What I may think is great, you may this terrible. Don't let my opinios stop you from exploring the vast world of horror in all media.

~Mind Blowing: Search for this movie immediately. It can only be described as pure greatness and possible an instant classic.

~So Good: Highly recommended because for one reason or another it stands out above the usual fair. Put the movie on your radar as it wont disappoint.

~In the Middle: The movie is a nothing special, average affair. It may entertain in the short term but it will be easily forgettable in the long haul.

~Warning: This movie is a cliched driven slop of familiar territory. Only watch if you're really of fan of this type of material.

~Steaming Pile: The movie is absolute garbage, a complete bore, and not worth the time or effort.

Friday, July 27, 2018

Rigor Mortis (2013)

AKA: Geung Si

Starring: Anthony Chang, Fat Chung, Siu-Ho Chin, Richard Ng, Hee Ching Paw, Billy Lau
Director: Juno Mak

A suicidal former action star movies into an apartment complex haunted by two spirits, ran by a former vampire hunter, and has a woman trying to bring her husband back from the dead.

My Take:
The movie takes it's time building up an layered story that deals with spirits, vampires, and black magic. A throwback of sorts to the classic 70's horror tales of Hong Kong done in a unique and stylish manor.

Rating: So Good

Watched: Hoopla

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Fringes of Horror by Sean Kimmel is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License
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