
The Rating System

All opinions are my own. We are all different. What I may think is great, you may this terrible. Don't let my opinios stop you from exploring the vast world of horror in all media.

~Mind Blowing: Search for this movie immediately. It can only be described as pure greatness and possible an instant classic.

~So Good: Highly recommended because for one reason or another it stands out above the usual fair. Put the movie on your radar as it wont disappoint.

~In the Middle: The movie is a nothing special, average affair. It may entertain in the short term but it will be easily forgettable in the long haul.

~Warning: This movie is a cliched driven slop of familiar territory. Only watch if you're really of fan of this type of material.

~Steaming Pile: The movie is absolute garbage, a complete bore, and not worth the time or effort.

Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Beyond the Black Rainbow (2010)

Starring: Michael Rogers, Eva Allen
Director: Panos Casmatos

A young woman tries to escape from an institution where the head researcher has a growing interest in her.

My Take:
Quite a trippy film which relies heavily on visuals and sound effect making it have an experimental feel. And it moves slow. Very hard to fully describe.
It has strong actors and an interesting sci fi/horror hybrid script (at least until the end) which most people will probably either really dig or hate.
Definitely original.

Rating: In the middle

 Creative Commons License
Fringes of Horror by Sean Kimmel is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License.
Based on a work at

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