Starring: Prince Puma, Brian Cage, Rey Misterio, Jeff Cobb, John Morrison, Kira Foster, Paul Black, Vampiro, Matt Stryker, Melissa Santos, Pentigon Dark, Sexy Star, Dr. Wagner, Ricky Banderas, Karlee Perez, Texano, Paul London, William Mack, Shane Strickland, Dante Fox, Fenix, Martin Casuas, Melissa Anderson, Ivelisse Velez, Matt Cross, Sami Callihan
Season Three of the show has warriors continuing to battle for wins and for the pleasure of owner Dario Cueto. And there's a mysterious glove that has super powers and has the owner being the vessel for the second coming.
My Take:
My favorite aspect about Lucha Underground is the attention to details when it comes to the story lines. Every character has a reason and things that happened in season one still matter in season three (and often built upon). It's face paced action and pure fun! Not to mention lots of macabre and supernatural elements. The series builds up to the final Ultima Lucha Tres which features some of the most violent and bloody wrestling matches I have ever seen on regular television. I really hope the promotion gets backers for more seasons.
Rating: So Good
Watched: El Rey

Fringes of Horror by Sean Kimmel is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License
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